

She walked past our house every morning

Pushing the pram

With two children

In tow



In all weathers

Against the lashing rain

Pushed back by the wind

Through the snow

Towards the school

Constantly late

Always behind



One day she didn’t appear

I heard through a friend

That social services had been involved

And took her children away

Away into care

Away from her

Away from their mother

Away for the best


She doesn’t walk past our house every morning


No more getting to school

No more fighting

No more being late

No more children


A different kind of late

But still



Written for Theme Thursday

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9 Responses to Late

  1. brian miller says:

    dang. i have been in on that process of taking kids away…its not fun from any aspect…and often hard to understand as well…i know a few kids lives saved in the process…not a decision to take lightly…

  2. gs batty says:

    sad and tragic. certainly a few hearts are broken and who would know if the best was done for the children. I have often wondered if the state can take away the children why can’t they take the mother with them and house them all. it certainly would be less expensive than foster care and maybe just maybe a family could be saved.

  3. gs batty says:

    sad and tragic ..why can’t the state take the mother also and keep the family in tact

  4. That story just breaks my heart

  5. aprille says:

    “They” always know best, don’t they?

    Liked the development in your sad story, understated but the stronger for that.

  6. mrsupole says:

    Maybe sometimes taking the children away is the best thing especially when there is abuse and drug abuse, but it seems as if it is not always the best thing. Foster care houses are not always the best places to be and society seems to just want to find a place to put the children so they do not have to think about them. The talk lately is about how all the kids belong to the village and it is the villages job to take care of them. I do not think putting them into homes is taking care of them. Trying to keep them with their parents is possibly the best option or at least to keep the parents around them so that they do not feel abandoned by them. Even supervised visits are better then no visits. And the parents have to get their life in order to visit the kids.

    I guess there is no easy answer to this problem but your poem is a total tear jerker and tells us a lot. Our children belong to their families and families should stay together. In a perfect world all the kids would have perfect parents, a perfect house and a perfect life. Maybe if our economies were not so messed up then maybe people would have to work such long hours and see their children suffer because of it. We cannot have it all unless something somewhere loses something to another.

    Thanks for sharing such a thoughtful and insightful poem with us all for this weeks Theme Thursday. Hope your week has been going well.

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